Take Control of Your Life Now With these 10 Tips. Why Wait?

Did you take a step toward attaining your goals and dreams?

Every day the sun rises and sets. One more day pass. On this day, did you take a step toward attaining your goals and dreams? Maybe you discovered something wonderful or really enjoyed yourself. However, the other possibility is that the day slipped by pretty much unnoticed.

Maybe days, weeks, or even months pass when you don’t think about your personal goals. If that’s the case, the question you must ask yourself is, “What am I waiting for?”

 The good news is that you can start working to achieve your personal and professional desires today. They’re still there, just waiting for you!

Follow these tips to help you take control and fulfill your dreams:
    1. Review your desired goals and jot them down. Just to get yourself back on track, ponder your goals and write them out. This way, you’ll be completely clear about what goals you want to work toward.
    2. Look at each goal in sequence. What would you have to do first to begin working toward Goal A? What would your next step be that would lead you to eventually achieve Goal A? Once you understand the path, you can follow it to accomplish your wish.
    3. Acknowledge you’re worth it. Whatever, time, research, and money it takes to work toward your goals, you deserve it. Recognize this fact and remind yourself of it regularly.
    4. Connect with the concept that you’re in charge of your own life. The only person that can truly control your choices and decisions is you. How do you feel about that? Are you excited or maybe a bit afraid? It’s okay to be afraid; just don’t let it stop you in your efforts to accomplish your life aspirations.
    5. Avoid waiting any longer. Don’t let another day go by without doing something to make progress toward your chosen wishes. It’s going to feel great to get working on your desires. You’ve got the controls now.
    6. Celebrate small successes. Acknowledge your progress toward your goals by celebrating along the way. Each milestone you complete will help you realize how important it is to have dreams and desires.

      Let’s say you’ve always wanted to take a trip to Thailand. Last week you bought an audio CD to begin learning some basic Thai phrases. This week, you started saving $50 and vowed to save that amount each week toward your trip. Good for you! Why not cook up a Thai dinner to celebrate your efforts? 
    7. Infuse aspects of your life goals into each day. When you begin to focus on fulfilling life goals, you’ll find it necessary to think about them and maybe even talk about them each day. Remind yourself daily about what you’re doing—the progress you’ve made and what you want to do next to get even closer to your dream.
    8. Create a vison board. Cut out pictures that signify your goals and display them wherever you’d like—on the inside cover of your schedule book or on the refrigerator or your bathroom mirror. Watch movies with subject matter or settings related to your goals.
    9. Keep your endeavors alive in your daily life. When you stop waiting on other people or situations to make your life “happen,” you regain control over how you spend your time. Ensure you know exactly what goals you’re working toward and examine each goal in sequence, from starting to work on it to achieving the end result you seek. Remind yourself you’re worth whatever it takes to achieve.
    10. Acknowledge that only you are in charge of your life. Stop depending on other people and things to make your life what you want it to be. Celebrate your progress toward goals and entwine aspects of your aspirations into your daily life.

 When you follow these tips, you’ll be able to focus. You’ll be able to spend your days achieving your dreams, desires, and goals.

Goal setting is an extremely important part of building a solid foundation for your business. Your goals are part of your Mission and Vision. They help you to create your roadmap. Your roadmap to an successful business.

Do you like to know how I can help you? Make an complimentary appointment by following this link (Times are in Mountain Time! -1Hr for PST; +2hrs for EST)

A Support Group Can Ensure Your Success. This Is Why …..

It’s natural to strive for solving your problems on your own. Sometimes pride holds you back from asking for help, or it could be embarrassment or fear. Either way, you’ll soon realize that you can solve your problems quicker and more efficiently by joining or developing a support group.  

The Benefits Of A Support Groups:

Support groups have many benefits. Just the venting factor alone can be enough to make support groups worth it. Even if a solution may not exist, just knowing there are others enduring your situation can help you feel at ease.  

A support group can provide many other added benefits: 
    1. Support groups can restore your confidence. With confidence and drive, there will be nothing in between you and your ultimate goals. 
    1. Emotional Release. You may often forget the true importance of an emotional release. When everything is all bottled up inside of you, you can get agitated and your emotions will manifest themselves in unhealthy ways. Support groups give you the important emotional releases that can open you up to a breakthrough. 
    1. Knowledge is power. Support groups give you an amazingly concentrated way of sharing a wealth of knowledge. When you listen to a speaker or counselor, you’re only getting one perspective. When you listen to the members of a support group, you can share real experiences through many different perspectives. 
    1. Being a member of a support group will not only help you find success in the topic of the group, but with general relationships as well. Support groups can be thought of as little samplings of the world at large. When you frequently listen and relate to others, you’ll become a better communicator.

Tips to set goals ….

How To Develop A Strong Support Group:

Developing your own support group is always an option. In fact, all you need is a couple of other people that would like to be a part of the same type of group as yourself.

 You simply need to determine what methods of communication will work best for the group. If it’s best to meet face to face, inquire about times and potential venues to hold your discussion sessions.

Nowadays, online support groups and forums are also an option. This is helpful because you’ll always be able to refer back to the helpful advice and personal reflections from others in the forum. There is also no set time that everyone has to meet. You can simply post or chat with the group when it’s convenient for you.

 How To Find A Good Support Group:

Nowadays with all the social networks, it’s getting easier to get involved with others going through similar experiences. You can search Google for relevant forums or websites, and you can also take a look at Facebook groups and MeetUp.com, too.

 If you’re involved with any type of one-on-one counseling, you can also inquire if there are any group sessions in your local area.

A good support group will strengthen you and help you build your confidence. Find a group that you can identify with and get active.

Or join my group “Motivation Club for Solopreneurs” by using this link.


How to Set SMART Goals

One of the best ways to guarantee goal-setting success is to ensure that each of your goals fits the SMART formula.

SMART is an acronym that stands for Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Timely. When your goals have these characteristics, you are much likelier to achieve them.

Goal Setting Success

 Setting short term, medium term, and long term goals for yourself is a key to success in your life. If there are things that you want to achieve or ways that you want to grow, set goals. See them as the stepping stones, an important part of getting there.

 Follow this strategy to set SMART goals:
    1. SMART goals are Specific. This means that your goal should be numbers based, or have a specific goal in mind. A smart goal may be “Go from 165 pounds to 155 pounds,” or “Touch my toes without bending my knees.” Both are specific goals without any vague phrasing left open to interpretation. 

      • The more specific your goals are, the clearer it will be when you finally achieve them.
      • Break your large goals into smaller short-term and medium-term goals. Each smaller goal phrased just as specifically in order for them to be attainable and achievable.
    2. SMART goals are Measurable. This is another reason why smart goals are numbers based. To know whether or not you achieved a goal, you must be able to measure your progress. SMART goals are goals that you can track and measure that have a clear end or point of attainment.

      • Being able to measure your progress is really important in goal setting and goal achievement. It helps you determine whether or not you’re moving in the right direction. It helps to clearly track and measure both positive and negative progress along the way.
    3. SMART goals are Attainable. Smart goals are goals that you can actually attain. They’re not extremely farfetched goals like “Lose 100 pounds in 90 days,” because if there’s no way to achieve the goal, why set it? SMART goals are goals that you’re physically and mentally capable of achieving.
    4. SMART goals are Realistic. SMART goals are not only attainable, but they are realistically attainable. They are a combination between a specific achievement that you can reach and a time frame that realistically coordinates with that achievement.

      • For that reason, a SMART goal would be “Lose 10 pounds in 90 days,” for a healthy weight loss of 3 to 4 pounds per month, rather than “Lose 10 pounds this week.”
    5. SMART goals are Timely. Smart goals have time frames, and realistic ones at that. When you put a realistic time frame on your goal, it gives you something to work for. To simply “Lose 10 pounds,” without a time frame lacks motivation. “Lose 10 pounds by my birthday” has a realistic time frame that gives you something to work for and a date for completion.
Bottom Line

Setting SMART goals is the best way to guarantee success at setting and achieving goals for what you want in life. By setting goals that are specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and timely, you can and will achieve the success you deserve!

I have as examples “loosing weight”, because that is something almost everybody can relate too. But to help your business start and grow they are extremely important too.

If you like to talk to see what we can do for you, just make an complimentary appointment by following this link. 

To your success, Baudina

It’s a New Year and a New You – How to Keep Your New Year’s Resolutions

It's A New Year and A New You - How To Keep Your New Years Resolution
Do you struggle to keep your New Year’s resolutions?

More than likely, the excitement of starting a New Year wanes away and you find yourself back into your old routines.

With proper motivation and the will to change, you can be the exception to this trend. The trick is to turn your optimism for the New Year into concrete actions. Once you start a routine, it becomes easier to follow through.

Whether you’re making multiple resolutions or wanting to work towards one bigger goal, be sure to pick something that’s achievable within the years’ time frame.

 -1- Set Achievable and Clear Goals

Strive for making your goals achievable so you don’t set yourself up for future failure. For example, let’s say your goal is to lose weight. Determine where you stand currently, and then give yourself a goal that can be achieved following the 1-2 pounds per week guideline.

You’ll also benefit from making clear goals. Rather than saying that you want to be thinner, say how many pounds you’d like to lose. Then define the “how” as well. Are you going to follow a specific diet? How are you going to cut calories? Are you going to start a moderate exercise routine? How often?

With a clear, achievable goal and a set plan of tasks you know you can complete, you virtually guarantee your success! You know exactly what you want and how you’re going to get there. All you need to do now is take action.

 -2- Take Action

Taking action is usually where people tend to run into some trouble. It’s easy to get pumped up about an idea, but when it comes down to executing your plan, you might be tempted to fall short.

In this situation, you only need to muster up the energy to start. Tell yourself that you’re going to stick to your new plan for one week and then evaluate how it went. On the other hand, if you take everything in all at once, you’ll be less likely to begin in the first place. If it looks overwhelming, just focus on the short term.

 -3- Form a Routine

The reason you want to take baby steps at first is because once you form a new routine, it’s actually easy to hold yourself to it. Some say that it takes as little as two weeks to get a new routine engrained in your brain.

For example, in the weight loss scenario, starting an exercise routine can be especially grueling if you’re out of shape. The first two days can leave you tired, sore, and weak. That doesn’t sound like fun at all! However, those first two days are the worst you’ll endure. After your routine is built, you may find that you look forward to your exercise sessions.

 -4- Reward Yourself

Reward yourself often for your excellent efforts because you deserve it for working hard to change yourself for the better. You don’t need to wait until the end of the year to treat yourself.

Break up your goals into smaller pieces and every time you achieve a milestone, give yourself something that you enjoy. It could be an item you’ve been wanting or maybe a night out on the town.

 Rewarding yourself for a job well done motivates you to keep going!

-5- Do It Again!


After your first successful year of bettering yourself through New Year’s resolutions, you can then repeat the process and work on another aspect of your life. Before you know it, you’ll be a perfectly happy and healthy person because of your awareness, perseverance, and hard work!


P.S. Because I hate to see any  business owners struggling, I decided to offer my services for reasonable prices. The only thing I ask is dedication and commitment.

Like to know more? Contact me for an complementary chat.


As a business coach I know a lot lot about the feeling of being lost. Especially business owners tend to do too much at the same time and at a certain moment they loose their insight, their goals for that moment, they don’t know what to do anymore and a feeling of loosing it starts to kick in.

And I must confess, I have it too. Talking about it with my coach helps me to get me back on track again. Unfortunately not everybody with a business is able to afford an coach. Although I think a coach should be able to create a way to make it affordable, but that’s a different story.

There are a few ways you can prevent that feeling.

First of all if you are doing too much at the same time your brain will stop working. If you are trying to focus on one thing, trying to forget about other (small, but also important) things, but also get constantly interrupted, your brain will end up in a crash. And nothing else will come out of it anymore.

That dreadful feeling will kick in, overwhelm will start and nothing happens anymore. And you give up. After a while you start again, and it is so hard to get back in the game again that you wonder why you are doing it and you are thinking to giving up. Again. A negative spiral will start getting into your head.

Before you reach that point you have to find ways to refuel.

Almost everybody who has a business will say “Sorry, but I simply don’t have time for that”. My answer would be: “If you are working yourself into a burnout, what will be left of your business then?” Think about it. Is 10 minutes of your day worth the time to prevent a burnout? Is 10 minutes spend now on refueling a better investment in your business then to give up completely on your business in 2 or 3 years? Because you have to give it up, because of a burnout, because you cant handle it anymore?

So what are these ways you can prevent this?

One of them is establishing a quitting time and sticking to it. This way of giving yourself time to refuel, is something I figured out not that long ago. Now I do it every morning and it became a habit to do it. Just decide what time you will stop that day working. Spend some ease and quietness with family or friends in the time after. And even if it is just for a couple of hours, you already created something positive.

Another one, which is scientifically proven it prevents a lot of physical and mental problems and gives you a lot of advantages is meditation. Nice thing about meditation is that it doesn’t need to take you hours. Only 10 minutes just before you dive behind your computer and start your busy day working on your business, or 5 to 10 minutes during your lunch hour, will help you a lot. Especially in reducing stress.

If you like to learn more, I have a free webinar where I discus 5 ways to decrease stress and create healthy habit. Just follow the link.

Sign Up for my FREE webinar.

Are You on the Verge of Business Burnout?

A burnout is a very real problem, especially for solopreneurs. Even though partnerships can have their ups and downs, at least you have someone to handle some of the stress and responsibility. Solopreneurs are by themselves and feel the entire weight of their success on their lone shoulders. This large responsibility often leads these business owners to work 14+ hour days and lose track of what’s happening at home with their families. But is focusing so much attention on your business a wise decision?

No, not if you want to achieve a work/life balance that makes you and your family happy. Even if you’re single, making time for self-care and relaxation will improve your overall health and mental wellbeing. Let’s talk about the signs to look for that indicate you might be headed toward a burnout.

1. Insomnia. If your brain can’t shut down because you’re consumed with work, your sleep pattern will get disrupted, leaving you overtired, lacking energy, and possibly lacking the mental energy to make wise business decisions.

2. Procrastination. Do you cringe at the length of your daily to-do list? Did these tasks once excite you but now they make you want to crawl under a rock? Procrastination leads to missed deadlines and opportunities to promote your business.

3. Fatigue. The human body is only capable of handling so much stress on limited sleep. Certainly you’ve heard the phrase “burning the candle at both ends”? That’s what happens when you work yourself to the bone and don’t give your body and brain enough time to recover before starting another high-stress day. At some point your body will want to give up, causing severe fatigue and possibly other illnesses that will keep you out of the office.

4. Changes in appetite. For some people, stress causes them to overeat; for others, stress reduces their appetites. Neither extreme is good for your body. For optimal health and mental clarity, take lunch breaks away from the desk and choose natural, healthy food choices instead of fast food items.

5. Anxiety. High stress causes anxiety, which can cause crippling fear or other physical symptoms. Keep in mind: there’s a big difference between the anxiety you feel when stepping out of your comfort zone versus stress-induced anxiety that doesn’t seem to go away.

Think about this: as a solopreneur, if you are not physically able to run your business, what happens to it? Chances are, you’d have to close your doors and any streams of income you currently have will disappear. Let’s avoid this happening! Take care of your whole body, mind, and spirit. Take quiet time to relax. Get outdoors and breathe in some fresh air. Unplug for a whole weekend and live in the moment with your family. Reconnect with old friends. Start a hobby. The choices are limitless.

Follow these 5 Tips for Easy Self-care

In just a few days I’m hosting a webinar dedicated to this self-care topic. I discovered changes in my own business and my mindset once I started taking care of myself and living life outside of the office. My webinar is titled, “5 Ways to Practice Regular Self-Care, Even if You Think You Don’t Have Time” and I promise you don’t need to dedicate hours a day or make any pricey purchases. Implement these tips in the privacy of your home. Grab your seat today!

Sign Up for my FREE webinar

Are You On The Right Path?

Do one thing every day that scares you.

There are a number of factors to take into consideration when prepping yourself and your company to approach the largest clients you’ll ever work with. Are You On The Right Path?

Today we’re going to start with a brief look at the three paths every business faces and show you which one is the path to success. Then we’ll talk about the mindset it takes to attract the big fish.

There are three major paths a business can take:
• Snail Speed
• Shooting Star
• Catch the Big Fish

Snail Speed
Most business owners ended up working themselves into the ground without much reward or success. This is what happens when you fool yourself into thinking you will find quick success. You may also find yourself following this path when you are afraid of change.

Shooting Star
This describes a business that shoots to the top so fast you are overwhelmed and don’t have the right resources in place to adapt. This can also happen from being overwhelmed by small clients and not taking the time to find large clients, which will sustain your business after the small client sales slow.

Catch the Big Fish
This is the path that allows you to build at a steady pace that you can manage by not allowing your customers to outpace you.

You can do this by putting these tips to work:
– Attract, keep and lock in big clients.
– Integrate “big business” culture into your company and employees.
– Acquire the expertise you need to grow.Have the courage to make changes as you grow.

Now we are going to transition a bit and talk about the “big fish” mindset. It may sound easy to just find and catch that big fish, but if you are stuck in the small business mindset, you may find it harder than you think.

Think of all the benefits of aiming at bigger clients:
• Inexpensive
• Highly Profitable
• Longevity
• Security

In order to catch the big fish, you need to believe your company can make a difference with theirs. It’s easy to get into the thought that a large company doesn’t need anything from a small business like yours, but this is entirely wrong!

Once you take a look at how big companies operate, it’s important to know which ones are the best fit with your company. One of the best ways to get in the door is by knowing someone on the inside who can put in a good word for you.

If you’re not sure where to start and feel a little intimidated about catching big fish, try our FREE test drive to get help.



    For information please email me by filling in this form:

    Make your Message Pop!

    There are 5 major components to good advertising or blog copy: (The order of these is essential to success)

    • Command Attention
    • Showcase Benefits of Products/Services
    • Prove the Benefits
    • Persuade People to Embrace the Benefits
    • Call to Action

    People don’t like to be sold products or services. But they like it when a problem is going to be solved for them. Even when they didn’t realize they had a problem.

    So, when you make a blog or advertisement, you need to think about the unique benefits your products/services offer and showcase that in a persuasive way. You need to emphasize results, not features.

    Let’s take a minute to talk about each of these components:

    • Command Attention: This is usually accomplished with the headline. You need an attention-getter that makes people want to know more about your products/services. The best headlines give a vivid portrayal of the benefits or show how a problem can be avoided with your products/services. The headline is the advertisement for the advertisement.
    • Showcase Benefits: You have to showcase the benefits of your products and services and, more importantly, show how they will solve or prevent a problem. They need to know what’s in it for them. Include useful, factual and clear information to show precisely what the benefits are and how they are going to help the customer.
    • Offer Proof: This is where you prove what the advertisement is offering. You need to establish you have a method to deliver. Consider information that establishes credibility and past performance.
    • Persuade: You need to add compelling reasons for your potential customers to purchase your products/services. Use a hard sell approach and create scarcity. This will enact your potential customers to feel like they have to act now. Which leads into the last component.
    • Call to Action: You need to compel your potential customers to DO something. They need to check out your site, sign up for your newsletter, purchase your products, contact you about services…something. Offer a freebie-a booklet, sample, product, bonus, demo, consult, limited time price…the list goes on. There are lots of ways to get potential customers excited about ordering and help them feel like they are getting an amazing deal.

    Good advertisements include all of these components and are not complete without any of them. You can sit down and think through any one of these components, then figure out how to best place them together for the most effectiveness. We can help you with this too.

    Try our FREE test drive to learn how to put together great advertisements from some of the best in the business.

    Learn how to generate all the leads your business can handle and increase your sales…
    WITHOUT spending a dime on marketing or advertising.

    Photo by Drew Beamer on Unsplash

    Direct Response or Bust!

    Direct response marketing is a marketing that demands a direct response from your potential customers.

    This type of marketing is used to answer questions, present your branding, products and the reason you do what you do. Customers love this, as they are offered the opportunity to response, whether that be in the way of signing up for a newsletter, posting a comment on your site or blog, or purchasing a product from you.

    So, what does direct response marketing look like? Well, it comes in many forms, including:

    • Direct mail
    • Print ads
    • Radio and TV ads
    • Coupons or other incentives
    • Telemarketing

    Some of the advantages of direct marketing are:

    • A great way to use free time during lulls in business.
    • Productive way to communicate and empower you to create more relationships.
    • Great way to up- and cross-sell to current customers.
    • Low cost way to rustle up new business.
    • Used as leverage to turn small sales into large sales.
    • Supplement your current marketing program.
    • Cost-effective way to reach target markets.
    • Offers measurable results.
    • Reach outside your local area for new business.
    • Increase the effectiveness of your sales force.

    These are all great things that can come from just taking a few simple steps to putting together a direct response marketing plan and executing it.

    “I honestly don’t think you’ll ever find a safer, lower-risk, higher-profit method of increasing your business or profession than direct-response marketing.” – Jay Abraham

    Direct response marketing is one of the best ways to launch your business on a large scale and reach out to everyone in your target market whether they are in your local area or not. Our FREE test drive can help you put together a great direct response marketing plan and get you on your way to heightened success.

    Learn how to generate all the leads your business can handle…
    WITHOUT spending a cent on marketing or advertising.

    Photo by Nong Vang on Unsplash

    Being Extremely Productive…Or Not.

    Do you have a problem like that? Being extremely productive?

    Being extremely productive isn’t quiet a problem, successful people are extremely productive. They love to work, they love to be busy with  a lot of other things.

    I am busy with a lot of things too, but productivity isn’t always one of them. I am slowly changing myself. Pushing myself to do the productive things instead of the un-productive things, but it can be hard sometimes. Changing bad habits isn’t something that will be done overnight.

    Personally I think that these bad habit started a long time ago, when I had a job which didn’t really interested me, but I earned a lot with it. The days were long, commute of an hour in the morning and an hour in the evening wasn’t much fun either and at home their wasn’t much more left then taking care of the dogs, making my own diner and sleep.

    I tried to change my career, but again choose a career which was nice to do and my income would be great, but it wasn’t my passion. Children, moving 3 times to a different country and giving up what I was doing before didn’t help either.

    Now I found what I love to do. What gives me a good feeling inside. I had a lot to learn. It was a long road to go. I still have to change some things about myself to be able to do my work even better. But more important it gives me that good feeling which comes from inside. A feeling to be proud of myself when I helped someone to be successful with their life.

    I think they call it PASSION.

    If you like to know more, just contact me.