As a business coach I know a lot lot about the feeling of being lost. Especially business owners tend to do too much at the same time and at a certain moment they loose their insight, their goals for that moment, they don’t know what to do anymore and a feeling of loosing it starts to kick in.
And I must confess, I have it too. Talking about it with my coach helps me to get me back on track again. Unfortunately not everybody with a business is able to afford an coach. Although I think a coach should be able to create a way to make it affordable, but that’s a different story.
There are a few ways you can prevent that feeling.
First of all if you are doing too much at the same time your brain will stop working. If you are trying to focus on one thing, trying to forget about other (small, but also important) things, but also get constantly interrupted, your brain will end up in a crash. And nothing else will come out of it anymore.
That dreadful feeling will kick in, overwhelm will start and nothing happens anymore. And you give up. After a while you start again, and it is so hard to get back in the game again that you wonder why you are doing it and you are thinking to giving up. Again. A negative spiral will start getting into your head.
Before you reach that point you have to find ways to refuel.
Almost everybody who has a business will say “Sorry, but I simply don’t have time for that”. My answer would be: “If you are working yourself into a burnout, what will be left of your business then?” Think about it. Is 10 minutes of your day worth the time to prevent a burnout? Is 10 minutes spend now on refueling a better investment in your business then to give up completely on your business in 2 or 3 years? Because you have to give it up, because of a burnout, because you cant handle it anymore?
So what are these ways you can prevent this?
One of them is establishing a quitting time and sticking to it. This way of giving yourself time to refuel, is something I figured out not that long ago. Now I do it every morning and it became a habit to do it. Just decide what time you will stop that day working. Spend some ease and quietness with family or friends in the time after. And even if it is just for a couple of hours, you already created something positive.
Another one, which is scientifically proven it prevents a lot of physical and mental problems and gives you a lot of advantages is meditation. Nice thing about meditation is that it doesn’t need to take you hours. Only 10 minutes just before you dive behind your computer and start your busy day working on your business, or 5 to 10 minutes during your lunch hour, will help you a lot. Especially in reducing stress.
If you like to learn more, I have a free webinar where I discus 5 ways to decrease stress and create healthy habit. Just follow the link.